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Leadership and Management Forums

Leadership and management of volunteers is a challenging task as we navigate best practices approaches to volunteer engagement.

Management of Volunteers focuses on the following: policy, procedure, process and practice.

Leadership of Volunteer focuses on People- the leaders seeks to connect with and inspire every person who contributes and connects wit the organisation.

Theses 90 minutes online forums provide learning outcomes which will enhance your understanding of the importance of compliance and having your policies and procedures in place in line with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement.


Dates:  Tuesday 19 September 2023 10am – 11.30am

             Tuesday 24 October 2023 10am – 11.30am

            Tuesday 21 November 2023  10am – 11.30am


        RSVP: manager@bgovolunteers.org.au


These workshop sessions are provided by Bendigo Volunteer Hub thanks to SARC funding through  the Australian Government