Cultural awareness involves raising people’s understanding of the influence our culture has on how we do things, including how we communicate, what foods we eat, or even how we go about our work. Being culturally aware means understanding why cultural diversity is important and recognising that not every person will do things in the same manner as we do. Being mindful of this diversity allows us to be more respectful of the way others operate based on their cultural backgrounds.
Cultural awareness helps you understand yourself better, your weaknesses, your psychology, and how to become a better person. It also helps with cognitive flexibility, problem-solving, decision-making, and improved communication skills.
Hence Diversity and Inclusion in our volunteer program is an important component of our volunteer program. In partnership with Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services, we will be providing Managers, Coordinators and Leaders of Volunteer with Cultural Competence training
Session one: Thursday 23 March 2023 10am-12.30pm
Session two: Wednesday 5 April 2023 10am-12.30pm
The “Let’s get into it – volunteering!” project is supported by the Victoria Government